How to get your cycle back after having a baby.

Regaining regular menstruation and fertility after having a baby can take time, as the body recovers from childbirth and adjusts hormonally, especially if the mother is breastfeeding. However, diet, herbs, and lifestyle changes can support hormonal balance and reproductive health. Below are some foods, herbs, and lifestyle suggestions to help:

Foods to Promote Regular Menstruation and Fertility

Healthy Fats
Avocados, olive oil, nuts, and seeds (soaked & sprouted) provide essential fatty acids that help produce hormones and regulate the menstrual cycle.

Omega-3-rich foods
Fatty fish (salmon, sardines) and chia seeds (soaked) help reduce inflammation and promote hormone balance.
Check out this recipe for Marma Chia Pudding.

Iron-rich Foods
Iron deficiency can affect energy levels and menstrual health.
Lean red meat, chicken, lentils, dark leafy greens, organ meats, fermented tofu.

Leafy Greens & Cruciferous Vegetables
These support liver detoxification, which can aid in hormone regulation.
Broccoli, kale, spinach, arugula, collard greens (cooked, not raw)

Whole Grains
Complex carbohydrates like quinoa, brown rice, oats, and barley help regulate blood sugar, which in turn can affect reproductive hormone levels.

Soaking grains, nuts, and seeds improves digestion and nutrient absorption by reducing phytic acid, which binds to essential minerals like iron and calcium, making them less available to the body. It also neutralizes enzyme inhibitors and anti-nutrients such as lectins and tannins that can impair digestion. Soaking promotes better digestion by breaking down complex starches and proteins, increases the bioavailability of vitamins and minerals, and encourages germination, which further enhances nutrient content. This process makes these foods easier to digest and gentler on the gut, particularly for those with sensitivities.

Protein is essential for tissue repair and hormone production.
Eggs, chicken & poultry, legumes, red meat, fermented tofu

Maca Root Powder
Traditionally used to support fertility and hormonal balance, maca can help with postnatal recovery. It may improve energy and normalize reproductive hormones.

Herbs to Support Menstrual Health and Fertility

Vitex (Chasteberry)
Vitex can support the pituitary gland and help regulate the production of progesterone and estrogen, which can help restart regular menstrual cycles.

Red Raspberry Leaf
This herb is commonly used to tone the uterine muscles and can promote reproductive health.

Known as an adaptogen, it helps the body cope with stress, which can be a factor in delayed menstruation. It also supports thyroid function, which is crucial for hormonal health.

Dong Quai
Often used in traditional Chinese medicine, dong quai is thought to increase circulation to the reproductive organs and support menstrual health.

Evening Primrose Oil
Rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), evening primrose oil is anti-inflammatory and can help with hormone balance and menstrual regulation.

Lifestyle Changes to Restore Regular Menstruation

Manage Stress
Chronic stress can delay the return of menstruation.
Incorporate activities like:
Yoga: Especially beneficial for pelvic health and stress reduction.
Meditation or deep breathing exercises to lower cortisol levels, which affect hormone balance.

Quality sleep is vital for hormonal regulation. Aim for 7–8 hours of sleep per night, and establish a regular sleep routine.

Moderate Exercise
Too much or too little exercise can impact the menstrual cycle. Gentle activities like walking, swimming, and yoga can support recovery without causing additional stress on the body.

Breastfeeding and Menstruation
If you are breastfeeding, menstruation may take longer to return due to the hormone prolactin, which can suppress ovulation. Some women find their periods return once they start reducing breastfeeding, for others, it can take much longer. Reach out to a Marma Nutrition coach by signing up for Marma Premium or booking a 15-minute free consult.

Balance Blood Sugar
Eating small, frequent meals that balance protein, fat, and fiber can help stabilize blood sugar, which is important for hormone balance. Avoid refined carbs and sugary foods.

Body Weight
Maintaining a healthy body weight is crucial for reproductive health. Being either underweight or overweight can delay the return of menstruation. Focus on slow, gradual changes if weight loss or gain is needed.

Staying well-hydrated helps the body process nutrients and maintain optimal hormonal function. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

It’s important to be patient with the body’s recovery process and consult with a healthcare provider, especially if menstruation does not return within a reasonable time after childbirth. Marma health coaches can help you navigate nourishing your body and when & how to discuss your concerns with your provider.


1 in every 4 women has a thyroid disorder.


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